Billy Meier

Swiss farmer Eduard (Billy) Meier who has several hundred beautiful colour photos and a few home movies of what he claims are crafts from the Pleiades, some 500 light-years away. Despite the vast distance, Meier says it takes his friends only several hours to make the trip. Meier says his extraterrestrial friends often take him aboard their craft, which can travel backward or forward in time.

This, Meier claims, has enabled him to speak with Jesus, to photograph the eye of God, and to photograph the futuristic ruins of San Francisco after an earthquake. Nearly 8 years ago, MUFON, the nation's largest group of UFO believers, published a report which characterised Meier's claims and his flying-saucer photos as "The Most Infamous Hoax in UFOlogy." Rarely does a pro-UFO group publicly admit a hoax, let alone use such harsh criticism.

Gary Kinder, who authored this book, said he was warned about the Meier case by almost every UFOlogist he interviewed during his early research several years ago. But after three visits to Switzerland and the 13 weeks he spent there "investigating" Meier's tales, it was the beautiful colour photos of saucer-shaped objects that Kinder found so convincing. Although one Meier UFO photo also shows a Swiss fighter aircraft, its pilot seemingly never noticed the nearby UFO.

Not until Page 225 of the 266-page book does Kinder inform his readers that Meier admitted carving a small model flying saucer which he used for some of his photos. The admission came after less-convincing photos Meier thought had been destroyed found their way into the possession of a one-time admirer via Meier's disgruntled wife. But just because some of Meier's UFO photos were hoaxes didn't prove that all of them were of the same genre, at least to Kinder.

When one of Meier's (former) admirers chanced to recognise that the picture of a devastated San Francisco was identical to an artist's painting of what San Francisco might look like after an earthquake, which had been published in GEO Magazine, Meier had a ready explanation: His Pleiadian friends had "simply placed in the artist's mind an accurate picture" of how they knew San Francisco would look after it was destroyed.

Kinder said he finds it hard to accept some of Meier's "outlandish claims." But, again, just because Meier tells some spurious tales, that doesn't prove that all of his tales are concocted, at least in Kinder's view. It is not clear whether the author accepts reports of Meier's ability to de-materialise himself and later reappear. Or Meier's claim that the Pleiadians gave him a "laser gun" that he never shows anyone but whose existence is evidenced by burn-marks on the brush in the woods.

While hoax photographs of UFOs are remarkably easy to make, movies are much more difficult, especially for Meier, who lost his lower left arm in an accident nearly 20 years ago. Kinder doubts that Meier's many friends include a film-making accomplice, but the author does not report any rigorous effort to unearth one. The author quotes a film maker experienced in making "Star Trek"-type movies as saying it would cost many thousands of dollars and a large crew to re-create Meier's UFO movies-clearly beyond the Swiss farmer's modest means. But a more sceptical analyst, Kinder reports, observed that when one moving UFO tried to stop, it would swing back and forth like a pendulum, as if it were suspended by a thin thread from a fishing pole.

The Meier story seems again to be one of UFOlogies great Hoax stories in a simialr vein as that of George Adamski.

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